About Our Organization
The mission of North Country Affordable Housing Inc. is the provision of quality affordable housing opportunities to region’s with low and very low income households. Focus of needs include elimination of substandard housing, accessibility, energy efficiency and better infrastructure.
The goal of our Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Program is to improve the conditions of low income housing by addressing the target needs. For eligibility the property must be located in Jefferson County. After the work is completed there’s a 10-year compliance period to recapture funds if the home was to be sold. Find details about the program HERE
North Country Affordable Housing, Inc. was incorporated in March 1987 in response to the overwhelming housing need engendered by the expansion of Fort Drum for the Army’s Tenth Mountain Division. Administrative funding is provided by the NYS Division of Housing and Community Renewal’s Rural Preservation Company (RPC) Program. The company’s service area includes Jefferson, Lewis and St. Lawrence Counties in northern New York State.
Since 1987 the corporation has received over $10 million in grants or loans, leveraging new construction and rehabilitation projects worth over $25 million. This has included 64 rental units that North Country Affordable Housing owns and manages in the City of Watertown and the Village of Philadelphia, 350 newly constructed homes or apartments, and 300 rehabilitation/home improvement projects on scattered sites throughout the north country, all for income-eligible households.